What rights for sharing common goods?

11 Ugo Mattei

What rights for sharing common goods?

€ 3.00
Saturday 24 May 2014 5.00 p.m.
Sala Maggiore Palazzo Comunale 2

What are the rights for sharing common goods? What profound transformations must take place in the dominant mindset of contemporary societies in order to reach a solution that is coherent with the ecological and social needs of today’s world? Far from being an abstract theory, a generative right for sharing and common goods can only derive from concrete battles: for water, public universities and schools, and critical information; and against internet privatisation and the destruction and consumption of the territory. Common goods must not be seen as something to have, but a political and, above all, cultural practice that allows us to create a horizon of collective existence.




Ugo Mattei teaches Civil Law at the University of Turin and International and Comparative Law at the USC Hastings College of the Law. He served as vice-president of the Rodotà Commission for the reform of public goods and was co-editor of referendums on water as a common good, the legal eligibility of which he defended before the Italian Constitutional Court. A columnist for the daily newspaper Il Manifesto, his most recent published work includes: Invertire la rotta. Idee per la riforma della proprietà pubblica (with E. Reviglio and S. Rodotà, 2007), Plunder: When the Rule of Law is Illegal (with L. Nader, 2008), La legge del più forte (2010), L’acqua e i beni comuni raccontati alle ragazze e ai ragazzi (2011), Beni comuni. Un manifesto (2011) and Contro riforme (2013).

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