
Vandana Shiva, an Indian physicist and economist, is one of the world’s top experts in social ecology. She directs the Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Natural Resource Policy in Dehradun, India. A political and environmental activist, she has fought battles against GMOs, intensive farming, desertification, genetic engineering and biopiracy and in defence of intellectual property rights. In 1993, she was given the Right Livelihood Award, an alternative Nobel Prize for peace, and is one of the leaders of the International Forum on Globalisation as well as serving as Vice President of Slow Food International. Ermanno Olmi made a documentary about her, Terra madre in 2009. With Feltrinelli, she has published: Patents: Myths and Reality (2002); Globalization's New Wars: Seed, Water & Life Forms (2003); Earth Democracy (2006); Making Peace with the Earth (2012); Who Feeds the World? (2015); and One Earth, One Humanity Vs. the 1% (with K. Shiva, 2019).


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