
Ugo Mattei teaches Civil Law at the University of Turin and International and Comparative Law at the USC Hastings College of the Law. He served as vice-president of the Rodotà Commission for the reform of public goods and was co-editor of referendums on water as a common good, the legal eligibility of which he defended before the Italian Constitutional Court. A columnist for the daily newspaper Il Manifesto, his most recent published work includes: Invertire la rotta. Idee per la riforma della proprietà pubblica (with E. Reviglio and S. Rodotà, 2007), Plunder: When the Rule of Law is Illegal (with L. Nader, 2008), La legge del più forte (2010), L’acqua e i beni comuni raccontati alle ragazze e ai ragazzi (2011), Beni comuni. Un manifesto (2011) and Contro riforme (2013).

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