
Maurizio Ferraris teaches Theoretical Philosophy at Turin University, where he directs the Labont (Ontology Laboratory). He is editor of the magazine Rivista di Estetica, associate editor of Critique and an editorial writer for the newspaper La Repubblica. He is Directeur d’études at the Collège International de Philosophie, a Fellow of the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America and of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Foundation, and Visiting Professor at the École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris. He has written more than forty books translated in many languages, including: Storia dell’ermeneutica (Bompiani, 1988); Estetica razionale (Cortina, 1997); Dove sei? Ontologia del telefonino (Bompiani, 2005,) winner of the Filosofico Castiglioncello e Documentalità Prize; Perché è necessario lasciar tracce (Laterza, 2009); and Ricostruire la decostruzione (Bompiani, September 2010); Estetica razionale (Raffaello Cortina, 1997); Filosofia per dame (Guanda, 2011); Anima e iPad (Guanda, 2011); Documentalità. Perché è necessario lasciar tracce (Laterza, 2009); Manifesto del nuovo realismo (Laterza, 2012).

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