
Giorgio Manzi, an anthropologist and palaeontologist, is professor in the Department of Environmental Biology at Sapienza University of Rome where he directs the “Giuseppe Sergi” Museum of Anthropology belonging to the Sapienza Museum Network. He teaches human ecology and evolution. Associated editor of the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, member of the scientific committee of the Paleoanthropological School of the University of Perugia, he was previously General Secretary of the Italian Institute of Human Palaeontology. His scientific research focuses on questions of palaeoanthropology, functional morphology and biology of ancient human populations. He works with daily newspapers, periodical publications, radio and TV shows. His publications include: La scienza delle nostre origini (with C. Tuniz and D. Caramelli, Laterza, 2013); Homo Sapiens (2006); L’evoluzione umana (2007); Il grande racconto dell’evoluzione umana (2013); and Ultime notizie sull’evoluzione umana (2017) for the publisher il Mulino.

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