From gift to Convivialism (or the art of living together: co-living)

18 Alain Caillé

From gift to Convivialism (or the art of living together: co-living)

€ 3.00
Sunday 25 May 2014 11:30 am
teatro Bolognini 2

For over 30 years, the monthly journal Revue du MAUSS (of the Anti-utilitarian Movement in the Social Sciences) has been developing what it calls the “gift paradigm”, following Marcel Mauss’ renowned The Gift, in which he claimed that we must seek not only possible foundations for a general social science (that includes moral philosophy and politics), but also a new, ideological alternative to neoliberalism. Many are still sceptical of such an ambitious undertaking. But one thing is certain: we cannot defeat financial and speculative capitalism – the main cause of the economic, social, environmental and moral crises plaguing us today – unless we adopt another way of understanding and inhabiting our world. One alternative comes from the Convivialist Manifesto, published by MAUSS in France a year ago and signed by 64 world-renowned intellectuals of vastly diverse schools of thought and action. 




A French sociologist of international renown, Alain Caillé teaches sociology at the Université Paris X Nanterre. He and Serge Latouche are among the founders and leading figures of the MAUSS movement, whose journal La Revue du MAUSS he founded and edits. In 1989 he published the movement’s manifesto, maintaining that an alternative must be found to the reigning utilitarian paradigm in the social sciences. He has published essays on the importance of the gift economy for the development of human society and collaborated with Jacques Godbout on The World of the Gift (1998), L’Esprit du don (2000), and Il terzo paradigma: antropologia filosofica del dono (1998). His publications include: Splendeurs et misères des sciences sociales (1986), Critique de la raison utilitaire (1991), Critica dell’uomo economico (2009), Pour un manifeste du convivialisme (2013) and the Convivialist Manifesto (May 2014).

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