
Maurizio Ambrosini is lecturer in the Sociology of Migration at the Università degli Studi in Milan, also teaching at Nice University and the Italian branch of Stanford University. He is responsible for science of the Study Centre Medì – Migrations in the Mediterranean in Genova, where he edits the journal Mondi Migranti and runs the Italian Summer School of Sociology of Migration. He is a consultant for ISPI and collaborates with the newspaper Avvenire and website He is a member of National Council of Economy and Labour (CNEL), where he is charge of the body coordinating integration policies. His publications include: Sociologia delle migrazioni (with L. Sciolla, 2011); Immigrazione irregolare e welfare invisibile (2013) with Mulino; Non passa lo straniero? (Cittadella, 2014); Migrazioni (Egea, 2017); Irregular immigration in Southern Europe (Palgrave, 2018); and he was one of the editors of the volume Il Dio dei migranti (il Mulino, 2018).

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