
Massimo Recalcati is one of the most famous psychoanalysts in Italy. He teaches at the Universities of Pavia and Verona. He is the founder of the Jonas no-profit organisation, a centre for clinical psychoanalysis for new symptoms and Scientific Director of the IRPA School of Specialisation n Psychotherapy as well as a founder and an analyst member of Alipsi. He collaborates with several specialist Italian and international magazines and the cultural section of La Repubblica newspaper. His publications include: Clinica del vuoto. Anoressie, dipendenze e psicosi (Franco Angeli, 2002); Elogio dell’inconscio (Bruno Mondadori, 2008); Cosa resta del padre (2011); Jacques Lacan. Desiderio, godimento e soggettivazione (2012); Jacques Lacan. La clinica psicoanalitica: struttura e soggetto (2016); Contro il sacrificio (2017) per Raffaello Cortina; Il complesso di Telemaco (2013); Le mani della madre (2015) per Feltrinelli. 

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