How Not to Let Food Eat Us

5 Carlo Petrini

How Not to Let Food Eat Us

€ 3.00
Friday 27 May 2011 9:30 pm
piazza del Duomo 1

The global agro-alimentary system has reversed the simple statement ‘we eat food.’ Today food eats us, as its production is not sustainable and is thus literally devouring the earth, the fertility of soil, water, bio-diversity, farmers and even consumers themselves. This is happening because we have ceased to recognize food’s inherent value and only appraise it on the basis of its price, as we would any other consumer product. But food is different: food tells us who we are, it is our connection with the place we live in and that we should care for, it is our best reminder that we are part of Nature and are not only an external element that can exploit it indefinitely.




Carlo Petrini, is a food activist. He was the founder of ‘Arcigola,’ he heads the Slow Food movement since 1989 and has launched ‘Terra Madre,’ a global network of small-scale farmers. Over the years, Petrini has developed a new idea of gastronomy that views food as the product of cultural, historical, economic and environmental processes. In 2003, Petrini received a honorary degree in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Naples, and in 2006 one in Humane Letters from the University of New Hampshire. In 2008 he received a honorary specialist degree in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies from the University of Palermo. In 2004, ‘Time Magazine’ included Petrini among the ‘innovators’ it designated as ‘European Heroes.’ In 2008 he was the only Italian included by ‘The Guardian’ among ‘the 50 people who could save the world.’ Petrini regularly contributes to ‘L’Espresso’ newsweekly and to the daily newspaper ‘La Repubblica.’ Among his publications are: Le ragioni del gusto (Laterza 2001); Slow Food Revolution (with G. Padovani, Rizzoli 2005); Buono, pulito e giusto. Principi di nuova gastronomia (Einaudi 2005); Terra Madre. Come non farci mangiare dal cibo (Giunti-Slow Food Publishers 2009).

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