Between the Via Emilia and the West. Travels and encounters in Francesco Guccini’s songs

3 Francesco Guccini and Marco Aime

Between the Via Emilia and the West. Travels and encounters in Francesco Guccini’s songs

€ 3.00
Friday 24 May 2013 9:15 pm
piazza del Duomo 1


A dialogue between Francesco Guccini—a favorite songwriter for subsequent generations of Italians—and anthropologist Marco Aime. A journey in the journey among the songs and lyrics of this popular songwriter from Emilia, who has often addressed common emotions and fears, passions and disappointments, in his ever-ironic texts. Many of Guccini’s songs are inspired by travel—from the distant worlds evoked in Asia to the encounter described in Autogrill, from the Apennines to America, from L’isola non trovata (a tribute to a late 19th-century Italian poet, G. Gozzano) to L’ultima Thule. A game of different perspectives, an original experiment in the “anthropology of songwriting”, and a journey in music.




Francesco Guccini is a singer and songwriter, his activity is one of the most original and striking of the Italian literary scene of the last decade. He wrote seven crime novels with L. Macchiavelli, and has authored a number of books: Cròniche Epafániche (1989), Vacca d’un cane (1993) published by Feltrinelli; La legge del bar e altre comiche (2005), Cittanòva blues (2003), Dizionario delle cose perdute (2012) published by Mondadori. A proof of his lexicographer talent is Vocabolario del dialetto pavanese (Edizioni Nuèter, 1998).

Francesco Guccini & i Dialoghi

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Marco Aime is professor of Cultural Anthropology at the University of Genoa. He has conducted research on the Alps and in West Africa. Aime has authored a number of books: Le radici nella sabbia(EDT, 1999); Il primo libro di antropologia(2008), Il dono al tempo di Internet(with A. Cossetta, 2010), L’altro e l’altrove(with D. Papotti 2012), Contro il razzismo (with G. Barbujani, C. Bartoli, F. Faloppa, 2016) published by Einaudi; Verdi tribù del Nord (Laterza, 2012); Gli specchi di Gulliver(2006), Timbuctu(2008), Il diverso come icona del male(with Emanuele Severino, 2009), Gli uccelli della solitudine(2010), Cultura(2013), L'isola del non arrivo. Voci da Lampedusa (2018) published by Bollati Boringhieri; All’Avogadro si cominciava a ottobre (Agenzia X, 2014); La macchia della razza (2012), Etnografia del quotidiano(2014) published by elèuthera; La fatica di diventare grandi. La scomparsa dei riti di passaggio (Einaudi, 2014); Tra i castagni dell'Appennino. Conversazione con Francesco Guccini (2014); Senza sponda (2015) published by Utet. He transleted Atlante delle frotiere by Bruno Tertrais e Delphine Papin (2018, ADD editore); He's going to publish Comunità (il Mulino, 2019).

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