Bingo! Play and cultural creativity

23 Adriano Favole

Bingo! Play and cultural creativity

€ 3.00
Sunday 29 May 2016 5:30 pm
piazza dello Spirito Santo 1

Play combines freedom and creativity as regards to shared rules. However, play also involves unpredictability and transformation: rules change and new games are created. Through games and play, human beings experiment with new situations and test social connections. But what happens when games travel beyond their country of origin? How is bingo or lotto played in a small community in Oceania? How did rugby change as it moved between Maori and European cultures? Indeed, today games and sports have a global vocation, travelling at increasingly high speeds, rather like human beings. What’s more, globalisation means reflecting on issues such as transformation: like religious beliefs, technology and ideas in general, games undergo twists and changes when appropriated by societies other than their "native" home. An intercultural study of play promises to shine a light on important aspects of cultural creativity. 




Adriano Favole is deputy director for Research at the Department for Culture, Politics and Society at the University of Turin and teaches Cultural Anthropology, Culture and Power. He has lectured at the Universities of Milan, Genoa and Bologna and in New Caledonia. He has travelled and conducted research in Futuna (western Polynesia), New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Australia and in La Réunion (Indian Ocean). His main areas of study are political anthropology, anthropology of the body and anthropology of heritage. He writes regularly for the newspaper Corriere della Sera’s cultural insert, La lettura. His publications include: La palma del potere (Il Segnalibro, 2000); Isole nella corrente (La ricerca folklorica, Grafo, 2007); Resti di umanità. Vita sociale del corpo dopo la morte (2003); Oceania. Isole di creativity culturale (2010) and La bussola dell’antropologo (2015), both published by Laterza; Vie di fuga. Otto passi per uscire dalla propria cultura (UTET, Dialoghi sull’uomo, 2018).

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